As 2023 ends, regional HVS leaders across the globe take a look back at how the global hotel industry fared this year. Overall, operating metrics shined brightly, with revenue growth achieved in most global markets, while investment activity cooled. The investment market is expected to improve in 2024.

If we want to avoid the most severe effects of climate change, the world must halve carbon emissions by 2030. At HVS, travel is an essential component of what we do, and carbon emissions are inevitable. But we are highly committed to reducing our carbon footprint.

After several economic and political disruptions across South America, there is now greater clarity in several countries, giving rise to compelling opportunities in some urban markets and across the leisure sector. The outlook appears bright throughout much of the region.

As the South American hotel industry is recovering after the pandemic hit the continent hard, Richard Katzman (Managing Director, HVS Mexico City) and Fernanda L'Hopital (Senior Project Manager, HVS Buenos Aires) gave an interview to TOPHOTELNEWS about the current status of development prospects across this continent.

This market pulse provides an overview of the tourism and hotel market in Lisbon, Portugal. It discusses recent tourism trends and the strength of recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic as well as providing a summary of the hotel pipeline.

Sports tourism has uplifted and changed the fortunes of the hotel industry globally after COVID. Read on to know more.

Adventure tourism is still evolving in India and has considerable growth potential. This article discusses some of the factors that can help in the growth of this niche segment in the country.

The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting restrictions on domestic and international travel, economic activity, and individual movement are having an unprecedented impact on the lodging and tourism industry in Latin America. While government authorities across the region work to manage restrictions and phased reopening plans, uncertainty prevails over the duration of the global pandemic.

With the Coronavirus scare gaining momentum, this article revisits the 2003 SARS pandemic, seeking insight into the potential impact on individual markets and travel as a whole.

HVS C&V leaders offer the pulse of their markets heading into the fall season. Out of 23 markets discussed, ten are rated as hot, nine are rated as mild, and the remaining four are rated as cooling.