9 results

As HVS associates travel nationwide and experience new hotels, or newly renovated and revitalized properties, we are seeing many owners creating innovative ways to generate revenue. This article lists just a few ways we’ve recently come across.

This article discusses some of the benefits of installing electric vehicle charging stations at hotels in India.

A hotel manager's most important tasks are making money for the owner and maintaining the asset. Satisfied guests and motivated employees are among the tools, but cost controls are also critical components of the formula.

Hotel Parking - Are you making the most out of this revenue source?

What is needed to reposition an entire destination? All around the world destinations reach a mature life cycle and are forced to re-invent themselves due to increased global competition. This case study on Montenegro can provide an insight.

More Than Spare Change: Spare Cash In The Parking Couch...The Third Edition of a Three Part Series on Parking Asset Management Success

Even More Spare Change In The Parking Couch...The Second Edition of a Three Part Series on Parking Asset Management Success

More Than Spare Change in the Parking Couch...
The First Edition of a Three Part Series on Parking Asset Management Success

Four easy ways to reach peak parking profitability.