What is needed to reposition an entire destination? All around the world destinations reach a mature life cycle and are forced to re-invent themselves due to increased global competition. This case study on Montenegro can provide an insight.

Total European hotel transaction volume reached approximately €7.1 billion in 2011, an increase of 9% on the €6.5 billion recorded in 2010.

Discussed in this update:
• Tourism trends for Hong Kong, Macau, PR China and Taiwan
• Individual Hotel Market Performances
Article: Basel III – The Long Road of Deleveraging

Hotel loans, transactions, and performance were on every hotelier’s mind at this year’s conference in Atlanta. Hospitality experts from all walks of life were on hand with answers and advice on how to move ahead.

HVS provides a guide though the peaks and troughs of the various hotel markets in Russia, the CIS and Georgia, giving lenders, investors and owners a clearer view of the region from a valuation perspective.

В этом выпуске отчета HVS освещает подъемы и падения рынков России, СНГ и Грузии, а также помогает кредиторам, инвесторам и владельцам расширить представление о данном регионе с точки зрения оценки.

In this article we demonstrate how distressed values are at least 15-20% lower than Market Values. Hence, the importance of making sure that the value doesn’t penalise the medium-term performance of the asset by assuming distressed market conditions.

Thank Goodness 2009 Is Over!

HVS Hodges Ward Elliott reviewed and analysed the prospects for hotel refinancing in the current environment following a survey conducted amongst the hotel teams of a number of leading European banks.

This article sets forth an insight into economic developments, tourism investments and the characteristics of the hotel market in Doha.