The Meadowlands development in northern New Jersey features the Meadowlands Sports Complex, with the MetLife Stadium as a centerpiece, and hosts numerous major companies. This development is anticipated to strengthen its presence going forward with the addition of a convention center.

Why do some stadiums attract more tourists and economic impact than others? It does not have to do with the quality of a city’s music scene or attractiveness, but the availability and cost of tickets. Tickets to venues in densely populated areas with higher incomes are harder to get, so instead people travel to venues with tickets that are available, and cheaper.

Approximately 92,000 Nebraska volleyball fans packed Memorial Stadium on August 30, 2023, to watch the Nebraska Huskers sweep Omaha in an outdoor match, setting a new women’s sporting event attendance record. Local hotels benefited from the midweek event, as most available guestrooms in the market were filled.

Philadelphia fans have an earned reputation for climbing light poles in celebration of major victories. Other fanbases throw octopi on the playing surface in celebration. Different fanbases behave differently. A statement that is acknowledged but rarely discussed in a quantitative way. Using data from Placer.ai, HVS gathered data on fan behavior before and after games for every NBA, NFL, MLB, and NHL team and aggregated them by location to enable comparison.

Philadelphia hotels experienced unprecedented declines in demand during the COVID-19 pandemic, similar to most top-25 markets in the United States. Considering the city’s large number of demand generators, Philadelphia hotels are well positioned for a recovery, albeit a slow one. How far did the Philadelphia hotel market fall? What factors will shape this recovery?

In 2020, Greater St. Louis-area hotels suffered unprecedented declines in demand because of the COVID-19 pandemic, similar to most cities in the United States. Since then, many travelers have returned, and the greater St. Louis hotel market has rebounded. What has the recovery looked like thus far? What must happen in the next 18 months for the market to reach pre-pandemic performance? What factors will shape the “new normal” for the market?

The Philadelphia market has been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the related decline in travel. The magnitude of the decline has been somewhat greater than that experienced by the top 25 markets in the U.S., which is due to the impact of the pandemic on the leisure segment, particularly international tourism, as well as across the meeting and group segment. Looking ahead, Philadelphia as a city works to heal and rebuild.

Since early March of 2020, Greater St. Louis-area hotels have suffered unprecedented declines in demand, similar to most cities in the United States, because of the COVID-19 pandemic. How far has the greater St. Louis hotel market fallen? How does this compare to the last recession? What will the recovery look like?

Both the hotel landscapes in North and South Arlington continue to evolve as the city remains an entertainment capital of the state and as new commercial development helps spur new hotel construction.

Demand from a variety of sources has risen in Chicago, pushing occupancy to a ten-year high in 2015. More than 6,000 new rooms are expected in the market over the next three years, though average rates and hotel values should continue to grow.