Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
35 results

HVS Internship Study: Effectiveness of Internship in the Indian Hospitality Sector

Internship is a crucial first step into the Indian hospitality sector for most hospitality students in the country. The HVS internship study explores the perspectives of the different stakeholders - students, industry and academia - to understand the challenges faced by them during internship programs. Additionally, it also identifies the best practices and offers recommendations that can help make the internship program more successful going forward. Read our latest report to know more.

HVS Monday Musings: Faster technology adoption will bring a paradigm shift in hotel operations in India

Efficient usage of technology will help the hospitality sector to improve profitability, while enhancing guest experience going forward.

How Hotel F&B Pivoted in Response to COVID-19, and What the Future Holds

COVID-19 has affected the hospitality and tourism industries in a number of ways, and hotel food and beverage operations is one of the most affected areas. A decline in travel, low occupancy rates, and guests shifting to either cooking at home or preferring drive-thru, curbside, and delivery over eating out has led to hotel F&B rapidly evolving and adjusting their models. Hotels are marketing their eateries to locals, offering contactless food delivery, and enhancing gift card sales.

What Time Is The 3 PM Parade? (Should your hotel have some Mickey Mouse® in it?)

Vicki Richman attended Disney Institute. We have incorporated much of what she learned into our company. Every year we improve our company’s culture and that of our hotels. If the Walt Disney Company is any benchmark, it's clearly worth doing.

Repositioning a Destination

What is needed to reposition an entire destination? All around the world destinations reach a mature life cycle and are forced to re-invent themselves due to increased global competition. This case study on Montenegro can provide an insight.

Hotel Room Supply, Capital Investment and Manpower Requirement by 2021

This White Paper aims to articulate the industry’s key requirements and highlights the support policies that are needed to facilitate the growth of the Indian hospitality sector by 2021.

The Ultimate Cover Letter

Steve Rushmore's June 2009 article for Lodging Hospitality magazine.

The Ultimate Cover Letter

Steve Rushmore article in Lodging Hospitality.

Don't Burn Your Bridges

Steve Rushmore Monthy article in Lodging Hospitality.