A summary on the actions that are essential in order to initiate a "painless as possible" renovation of a hotel while concurrently minimizing the financial impact on the hotel's bottom line.

How to Develop & Execute a Public-Sector Process to Select a Private-Sector Hotel Development Partne
Most successful public/private-sector hotel development projects are the end result of an evaluation and selection process. This article details the steps and criteria used to assess the strengths and weaknesses of various proposals.

Qualified Management Contracts: Public-Sector/Private-Sector Partnering to Achieve Common Objectives
Recently public and private sectors have partnered in development of convention hotel properties; publicly owned and privately managed. This article highlights unique features of qualified management agreements and compares them to typical contracts.

Asset managers provide a wide range of management oversight, analysis, and support to hotel owners. The specific scope of services is tailored to each owner. Compensation is usually a flat fee or a fee that is a percentage of gross revenues.

Written by Mark Lynn in 2002, Nasdaq’s Impact on Silicon Valley Hotel Revenue , the article addresses the cyclical nature of supply and demand in this high profile market.

Balancing Financial and Non-Financial Objectives in Public-Sector/Private-Sector Hotel Relationships
Public-/private-sector partnerships, while sometimes challenging, can certainly result in a win-win situation when financial and non-financial goals and objectives are clearly defined and effectively aligned.

In the aftermath of the September 11 attacks in the US, this articles investigates whether hotels should cut rates to face sluggish demand.

Cashing in on an asset manager