Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
286 results

The Istanbul Hotel Market 2005

An assessment of the hotel market in Istanbul; have things changed in recent years, what does the future hold?

P2P: Are There Any More Public-to-Private Deals Left?

What are the alternatives to P2Ps for investors and owners? Jakob Forstnig and Bernard Forster demonstrate how P2P deals were structured and give an outlook for listed hotel companies in Europe.

Hotel Market Review and Assessment - Cairo

...And some consider hotel operating performance in the Middle East to be poor!

European Hotel Transactions 2004 - Country Analysis

HVS International's London office has published a review of the European single asset and portfolio transactions during 2004. This article provides a general overview of transactional activity during 2004 for the European hotel market.

European Hotel Transactions 2004 - Country Analysis: The UK & Ireland

HVS International's London office has published a review of the European hotel transactions during 2004. This article provides an overview of transactional activity during 2004 for the UK and Irish hotel markets.

European Hotel Transactions 2004 - Country Analysis: The Netherlands & Scandinavia

HVS International's London office has published a review of the European hotel transactions during 2004. This article provides an overview of transactional activity during 2004 for the Netherlands and Scandinavian hotel markets.

European Hotel Transactions 2004 - Country Analysis: Germany, Austria, Central & Eastern Europe

HVS International's London office has published a review of the European hotel transactions during 2004. This article provides an overview of transactional activity during 2004 for Germany and the Central and Eastern European hotel markets.

European Hotel Transactions 2004 - Country Analysis: Spain, France, Italy, and Portugal

HVS International's London office has published a review of the European hotel transactions during 2004. This article provides an overview of hotel transactional activity during 2004 for Spain, France, Italy and the Portugal.

European Hotel Transactions 2004 - Country Analysis

HVS International's London office has published a review of the European single asset and portfolio transactions during 2004. This article provides a general overview of transactional activity during 2004 for the European hotel market.

European Hotel Transactions 2004

HVS International’s London Office has today published its latest European Hotel Transaction Review, which details single asset and portfolio hotel transactions that took place during 2004.