Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
30 results

Market Intelligence Report-Madrid 2010

Madrid City Hotels - On the Rocky Road to Recovery?

Barcelona, España - Panorámica del Mercado-29.09.09

The Spanish version of our market snapshot on Barcelona - the second in a series of articles that HVS will be producing on the hotel markets in a number of key cities, combining the market expertise of HVS with STR Global data for each city.

Barcelona, Spain - Market Snapshot

This is the second in a series of articles that HVS with STR Global data for each city. Our analysis is based on a sample of over 15,000 available daily rooms provided by STR Global.

Disaster Management Plan for the Hospitality Industry

In the aftermath of the carnage in Mumbai, there are critical lessons to be learned. This article advocates for a disaster management plan to be consciously integrated into the Indian Hospitality industry.

Investment in Mexico

Foreign investment in Mexican real estate is on the rise, and many favorable factors conspire to keep this trend moving forward.

Análisis y Perspectiva de la Industria Hotelera Española - Madrid

En este artículo, HVS International presenta un análisis de las tendencias hoteleras del principal mercado comercial español.

Spanish Hotel Market Review and Assessment - Barcelona

After assessing the performance of the Madrid hotel market, this article focuses on the Barcelona market.

Spanish Hotel Market Review and Assessment - Madrid

The article assesses the performance of the hotel industry in Madrid, the main commercial market in Spain.

European Hotel Transactions 2004 - Country Analysis: Spain, France, Italy, and Portugal

HVS International's London office has published a review of the European hotel transactions during 2004. This article provides an overview of hotel transactional activity during 2004 for Spain, France, Italy and the Portugal.

European Hotel Transactions 2003 - Country Analysis - Spain, France & Italy

HVS International's London office has published a review of the European single asset transactions during 2003. This article provides an overview of transactional activity during 2003 for Spain, France and Italian hotel markets.