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25 results

How Hotel F&B Pivoted in Response to COVID-19, and What the Future Holds

COVID-19 has affected the hospitality and tourism industries in a number of ways, and hotel food and beverage operations is one of the most affected areas. A decline in travel, low occupancy rates, and guests shifting to either cooking at home or preferring drive-thru, curbside, and delivery over eating out has led to hotel F&B rapidly evolving and adjusting their models. Hotels are marketing their eateries to locals, offering contactless food delivery, and enhancing gift card sales.

The Changing Landscape of the Recruitment World

COVID-19 has changed the Corporate World as we knew it in more ways than one, and recruiting is no different as the hiring process has changed significantly. Read our latest article to know more.

COVID-19: Hospitality Employee Sentiment Findings

The focus of this research is on hospitality industry employees who are amongst the most severely impacted due to measures such as furloughs, terminations, and pay cuts. As the hospitality industry plans for recovery in the post COVID-19 era, it is essential for employers and leadership teams to take stock of where they stand today. The objective was to understand the current employee sentiment, confidence levels, loyalty, and the current state of mind of the employees’ decision-making process.

What Time Is The 3 PM Parade? (Should your hotel have some Mickey Mouse® in it?)

Vicki Richman attended Disney Institute. We have incorporated much of what she learned into our company. Every year we improve our company’s culture and that of our hotels. If the Walt Disney Company is any benchmark, it's clearly worth doing.

Robert-Gaymer Jones Speaks on Whether the Glass Ceiling Really Exists for Women in the Hospitality Industry

Is the concept of a “glass ceiling” really applicable in today’s world, and in particular, the hospitality industry? HVS Executive Search explores this subject with Robert-Gaymer Jones, Chief Executive Officer, Sofitel Luxury Hotels.