Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
35 results

Empty Beds in Luxury Accommodation

HVS is included in an article published by the Berliner Zeitung regarding the luxury hotel situation in the German capital and how it is being affected by the current financial crisis.

«Зеленый» отель в России - оксиморон или необратимое будущее? (Часть 2)

Как снизить воздействие гостиницы на окружающую среду? Какие преимущества у «зеленой» гостиницы, чем хорош такой объект для владельцев и менеджмента? На эти вопросы мы постараемся ответить во второй части нашей статьи об Eco Hotels в России.

The Art of Groveling

Steve Rushmore's August 2007 Hotels Monthly.

Global Hospitality Outsourcing - Winning in a Flat World!

The global hospitality playing field has been leveled. Transformation within the industry has created a new set of competitive pressures that were relatively isolated and continues to push hotel companies to explore more efficient business models.

Canadian Lodging Outlook February 2007

Labour And Skills Shortage

Get Involved in the Legislative Process

Mid-term elections prompted me to reflect back on how my interest in being active in the political process evolved. Some define "active in the political process" as voting in elections while others define it as being a politician or a lobbyist.

How to Develop & Execute a Public-Sector Process to Select a Private-Sector Hotel Development Partne

Most successful public/private-sector hotel development projects are the end result of an evaluation and selection process. This article details the steps and criteria used to assess the strengths and weaknesses of various proposals.

A Ghostly Gold Christmas

What is it that we can learn from Ghosts, Gold, and Christmas that can help make you a leader in your company and community? By using "The Gold Standards" of Leadership, we can see how decision-making abilities can help achieve peak performance.

Asset Management Scope and Compensation: A Wide Spectrum

Asset managers provide a wide range of management oversight, analysis, and support to hotel owners. The specific scope of services is tailored to each owner. Compensation is usually a flat fee or a fee that is a percentage of gross revenues.

"e-" Is For Employment

Steve Rushmore June 2000 Hotels monthly.